1 AN01 Miscellaneous Software

Communication Gap between management, employees and clients

Communication gap among management, employees, and clients. The management lacks awareness of ground-level processes, while simultaneously remaining unaware of the issues faced by employees and clients. Conversely, employees and clients may experience difficulty in communicating their problems, and the management is unaware of the effectiveness of employee performance or client satisfaction. This creates ambiguity regarding whether the company or institute is successfully fulfilling its vision and mission.

2 AN02 Miscellaneous Software

Addressing Educational Gaps: A Comprehensive Learning Solution

Current educational systems lack effective interactive learning tools, gamified skill development modules, transparent communication channels between parents and teachers, and streamlined access to open educational resources. These shortcomings hinder student engagement, skill acquisition, and overall educational outcomes. To bridge these gaps, there is a critical need for an integrated platform that combines interactive learning features, gamified skill development, robust parent-teacher communication tools, and improved accessibility to open educational resources. This solution aims to revolutionize the educational landscape by providing a comprehensive and user-friendly platform that addresses these key challenges, fostering a more engaging, collaborative, and effective learning environment for all stakeholders.

3 AN03 Miscellaneous Software

Bridging Gaps for Rural Farmers

Small-scale farmers face challenges in accessing local markets, navigating inefficient supply chains, and lacking digital financial tools. AgriConnect addresses these issues by providing a unified platform. It connects farmers to markets, optimizes supply chains to reduce waste, and ensures financial inclusion through user-friendly digital services. AgriConnect aims to empower farmers, enhance productivity, and contribute to the economic development of rural communities.

4 AN04 AI & ML Software

Predictive Analytics for Disease Prevention

Build a predictive analytics model that utilizes health data to identify individuals at risk of certain diseases, allowing for proactive interventions and personalized preventive care plans.

5 AN05 AI & ML Software

Traffic Congestion

Urban areas often suffer from severe traffic congestion, leading to increased travel times, fuel consumption, and air pollution. Solutions that optimize traffic flow, promote public transportation, or encourage alternative modes of commuting are needed.

6 AN06 AI & ML Software

Public Transportation Efficiency

Public transportation systems can be inefficient and inconvenient. Solutions to improve public transit scheduling, reliability, and accessibility are essential for encouraging more people to use public transportation.

7 AN07 Miscellaneous Software

Interoperable Health Data Platform

Develop a secure health data interoperability platform for seamless information exchange among healthcare providers and electronic health record systems. The platform should ensure data security, privacy, and accessibility, revolutionizing remote healthcare through advanced patient care coordination.

8 AN08 AI & ML Software

RegTech Revolution

Create innovative regulatory technology (RegTech) solutions to streamline compliance processes, making it easier for financial institutions to navigate complex regulations seamlessly.

9 AN09 AI & ML Software

FraudBusters Challenge

Design and implement advanced fraud detection and prevention tools to combat various forms of financial fraud, protecting both customers and financial institutions.

10 AN10 Miscellaneous Software

Events and Attendance Management System

Create an Attendance and Events Management System for an educational institute. Participants need to develop a mobile app and/or web interface that enables real-time attendance tracking, ensuring teachers can mark attendance on the go. Simultaneously, a dynamic event management system is required, allowing administrators to efficiently organize, approve, and manage events, while students seamlessly RSVP from their dashboards. Integration of event attendance with regular class records, secure editable attendance mechanisms, user-friendly interfaces, timely notifications, robust data security measures, detailed reports, and seamless integration with existing class schedules constitute critical aspects of this challenge.

11 AN11 Miscellaneous Software

Application Process Digitization

Develop a comprehensive application process automation system. Applicants are required to input necessary data via an app or web interface, facilitating seamless data submission, and supporting document/file uploads. Subsequently, the processing authority must be equipped with tools to review, verify, and make necessary edits to the submitted information. The system should then transform the verified data into a standardized form format, enhancing readability and expediting the verification process. This solution aims to eliminate the manual data entry of physically submitted forms into computers, reducing processing times, and ensuring the efficiency of the entire workflow.

12 AN12 Miscellaneous Software

Open Innovation

Step into the realm of open innovation and collaborate across borders to address real-world challenges. This call invites creative minds to pioneer solutions that transcend conventional limits. From sustainability to healthcare, explore diverse perspectives to co-create transformative and scalable innovations. Join us in fostering a culture of open collaboration, where collective intelligence drives impactful solutions for a better, sustainable future. Embrace the challenge and be part of shaping tomorrow's world through open innovation.

13 AN13 Blockchain Software

Blockchain-based Voting System

Develop a secure and transparent voting system using blockchain to ensure the integrity of the electoral process, preventing fraud and enhancing trust in democratic systems.

14 AN14 Blockchain Software

Decentralized Social Media

Design a decentralized social media platform where users have ownership of their data, and content is stored on a blockchain to prevent censorship and promote a more democratic content distribution model.

15 AN15 Blockchain Software

Decentralized Finance (DeFi) Solutions

Create decentralized financial tools, such as lending platforms, decentralized exchanges, or asset management protocols, to enable users to access financial services without relying on traditional banking infrastructure.

16 AN16 Agriculture Technology Hardware

Soil Health Monitoring

Build tools or sensors that help farmers monitor and manage soil health, providing real-time data on nutrient levels, pH, and other critical factors to enhance crop productivity.

17 AN17 Electronics Manufacturing Technology Hardware

Semiconductor Waste Reduction

Develop innovative methods or technologies to reduce semiconductor manufacturing waste, addressing environmental concerns and promoting sustainability in the electronics industry.

18 AN18 Medical Robotics and Health Data Interoperability Hardware

Enhancing Remote Healthcare through Robotics and Interoperable Health Data

Developing integrated medical robotics for remote patient monitoring, drug delivery, and robotic-assisted surgery is crucial. Simultaneously, establishing a secure health data interoperability platform is essential for seamless information exchange among healthcare providers and electronic health record systems. This initiative aims to revolutionize remote healthcare by addressing these challenges and advancing patient care and data accessibility.

19 AN19 Robotics for Household Automation Hardware

Reduce the Human Effort to automate house hold work

To build robots for all kinds of dedicated tasks such as cleaning shoes, planting crops, cleaning windows, etc.

20 AN20 Community Health Worker Support Hardware

Healthcare Access in Underserved Communities

Create a solution that improves healthcare access in underserved or remote areas. This could involve mobile clinics, community health worker support, or innovative ways to deliver healthcare services.

21 AN21 Supply Chain Optimization Hardware

Supply Chain Optimization for Healthcare

Design a system that optimizes the supply chain in healthcare, ensuring efficient distribution of medical resources, reducing waste, and responding effectively to emergencies

22 AN22 Miscellaneous Hardware

Open Innovation

Step into the realm of open innovation and collaborate across borders to address real-world challenges. This call invites creative minds to pioneer solutions that transcend conventional limits. From sustainability to healthcare, explore diverse perspectives to co-create transformative and scalable innovations. Join us in fostering a culture of open collaboration, where collective intelligence drives impactful solutions for a better, sustainable future. Embrace the challenge and be part of shaping tomorrow's world through open innovation.